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5 Benefits of Knee Replacement Surgery

Is knee osteoarthritis beginning to affect your quality of life? Have conservative treatment methods failed to provide relief? If pain, stiffness, or limited mobility is impacting your ability to do the activities you love most, it may be time to consider a total knee replacement.

It's normal to have concerns about getting an artificial joint or feel anxiety about the surgery itself. Yet, for many people, a knee replacement can be transformative, allowing them to resume an active and fulfilling lifestyle.

When Is a Total Knee Replacement Recommended?

The most common cause of needing a total knee replacement is osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease where the protective cartilage around your joints wears down, leading to bone-on-bone contact and, eventually, pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joint. Other causes include rheumatoid arthritis or post-traumatic arthritis.

Dr. Cafferky, a leader in total joint replacement at The Steadman Clinic, will recommend nonsurgical treatment methods as the first step whenever possible. These often include:

  • Activity modification (reducing intensity or switching to low-impact activities)

  • Weight loss

  • Physical therapy

  • Anti-inflammatory medications

  • Cortisone injections

  • Hyaluronic acid injections

However, if these approaches fail to provide relief or your condition worsens, Dr. Cafferky may recommend a total knee replacement.

Knee replacement surgery involves removing the damaged parts of the knee and replacing them with artificial implants designed to mimic the function of a healthy knee joint. Learn more about total knee replacement surgery.

What Are the Benefits of a Total Knee Replacement?

"So many doors have been opened because of my total knee replacement. Although these may not be big things, they have improved my quality and outlook on life in more ways than I could have imagined." - Laura (Read Laura’s story)

Total knee replacements are one of the most successful orthopaedic procedures and offer several benefits for individuals experiencing severe pain and reduced mobility due to osteoarthritis, including:

  1. Pain Relief: Chronic knee pain from arthritis can make it difficult to walk, climb stairs, get a good night’s sleep, and perform activities of daily living. One of the primary benefits of a total knee replacement is that it can significantly reduce or eliminate knee pain.

  2. Restored Mobility: When osteoarthritis damages the cartilage in your knee joint, the surfaces become rougher, and the knee doesn't move smoothly, causing stiffness and pain. After a total knee replacement, the joint can move more freely. This not only makes walking and stairs much easier, but many people find they can engage in activities they had not done for years due to their prior knee issues – such as hiking, snowshoeing, cycling, and skiing!

  3. Enhanced Independence: Regaining mobility is a key component in restoring personal independence. Whether taking back ownership of daily tasks, moving around freely, or returning to hobbies or activities previously enjoyed, many people are able to regain a sense of self-sufficiency that had been lost due to knee issues.

  4. Healthier Lifestyle: Chronic pain and mobility issues can lead to a sedentary lifestyle. A knee replacement followed by physical therapy will set you up for success in increasing your strength, improving stability (reducing your risk of falls), maintaining a healthy weight, and eventually returning to the physical activities you love.

  5. Improved Quality of Life: One of the biggest, overarching benefits of having a total knee replacement is an improved quality of life. Pain relief can lead to a better mood and outlook. At the same time, increased mobility means engaging in activities that may not have been possible before — allowing you to truly enjoy life again.

Considering Total Knee Replacement Surgery? Contact Team Cafferky Today!

Make the first step towards relieving your knee pain and restoring your mobility by contacting Dr. Cafferky at The Steadman Clinic today.

He and his team of joint replacement experts will work with you to develop a custom-designed treatment plan that will give you back the freedom of movement. 

Schedule an appointment by calling (970) 476-1100 or submit a request through Team Cafferky’s online form.