After a Total Hip Replacement: Recovery FAQs

Man walking after hip replacement surgery

A total hip replacement can be life-changing for people suffering from severe hip pain and limited mobility due to osteoarthritis.

Although recovering from a total hip replacement takes patience and dedication, the benefits are significant. Dr. Cafferky, a total hip replacement specialist at The Steadman Clinic, has helped countless people return to an active, pain-free lifestyle. His patients consistently report an overall improvement in the quality of their lives and an increase in happiness and well-being.

Although each person's recovery timeline is unique, knowing when you may be able to drive, return to work, and exercise again can help you feel better prepared for your journey. 

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions Dr. Cafferky and his team receive about recovery milestones.

What Can I Expect in Terms of Pain During My Recovery?

Healthcare worker discussing pain management with a man who just had a hip replacement

Some pain and discomfort are expected in the days following surgery. Team Cafferky will work with you on a pain management program tailored to your individual needs and closely monitor your progress to ensure that you're comfortable and able to participate in physical therapy. Generally, patients will require stronger pain medications for an average of 2 to 4 weeks after surgery, eventually switching to milder medications such as Tylenol as the pain subsides. 

When Can I Walk After a Total Hip Replacement? Am I Able To Go Up or Down Stairs?

Most people are able to immediately begin walking with the assistance of a mobility aid. On the day of your surgery, a physical therapist will show you how to use your crutches or walker and ensure that you can ambulate safely, including up or down stairs. On average, patients gradually transition to a cane or no assistance at all 2 to 3 weeks after surgery. 

When Should I Start Physical Therapy?

Person receiving physical therapy after a total hip replacement

Physical therapy plays a critical role in the recovery process following a hip replacement. After your surgery and before you leave the hospital, a physical therapist will show you some basic exercises you can start immediately. Team Cafferky recommends starting formal physical therapy within 2 to 3 days after your surgery to optimize your recovery. The focus will be on helping you regain your strength, mobility, and flexibility, as well as reducing pain and swelling.

When Can I Return to Work?

The time it takes to return to work will depend on the nature of your job and the extent of your surgery. Patients with more sedentary desk jobs can usually return to work within 2 to 4 weeks. If your job is more physically demanding, it could take 6 to 8 weeks and sometimes longer. 

When Can I Drive Again?

Your return to driving will depend on a few factors, including:

  • You are no longer taking any narcotics

  • You can bear full weight on the surgical leg

  • Which hip was replaced

If the left hip is replaced, you can usually start driving 2 to 3 weeks after surgery. However, the right leg generally increases that timeline to 4 to 6 weeks. Dr. Cafferky and his team will help you determine when it's safe to return to driving. 

When Can I Ski, Hike, Bike, or Play Other Sports After a Hip Replacement?

Woman hiking after a total hip replacement

The exact timeline for returning to sports depends on your health, recovery progress, and your fitness level before surgery. Dr. Cafferky and your physical therapist will provide specific guidance on when it's safe to resume your favorite sports or recreational activities. 

Typically, patients can get back to lower-impact activities, like swimming, biking, hiking, or golfing, within 8 to 12 weeks after surgery, followed by skiing between 6 to 10 months. Jumping, running, and court sports, including singles, tennis, and racquetball, are usually not recommended, but it’s important to talk through your activity goals with Team Cafferky.

Contact Dr. Cafferky: Vail's Best Total Hip Replacement Surgeon

Are you experiencing hip pain that is impacting your quality of life? Contact Dr. Cafferky and his team at The Steadman Clinic today for the highest quality of patient-centered care and unmatched expertise in total hip replacement surgery

Call (970) 476-1100 or request a consultation using Team Cafferky's online appointment request form. Telehealth visits are also available!


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