What Happens if I Delay My Total Hip Replacement?

Risk of delaying a total hip replacement

If you're experiencing hip pain caused by osteoarthritis, you may be facing the prospect of hip replacement surgery. 

 It's a big decision and one that you may be tempted to put off for as long as possible. Let's take a look at some factors you should consider before deciding to postpone hip surgery. 

What Is a Total Hip Replacement, and When Is it Recommended?

Woman discussing hip replacement

Hip replacement surgery is a procedure where the damaged parts of the hip joint are removed and replaced with new, artificial implants. Total hip replacements are one of the most successful procedures in the U.S., with over 450,000 surgeries performed yearly.

There are a few reasons why someone might need hip replacement surgery. The most common is osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease that causes the cartilage in the hip joint to break down over time. This can lead to inflammation, pain, and loss of mobility. Other reasons for hip replacement surgery include rheumatoid arthritis or fractures. 

Dr. Cafferky, a renowned hip replacement surgeon at The Steadman Clinic, will recommend that his patients first try conservative treatments to manage their hip osteoarthritis whenever possible. 

These may include: 

  • Weight loss (if necessary)

  • Over-the-counter medications for inflammation and pain

  • Exercise programs

  • Physical therapy

  • Steroid injections

If, at some point, you're experiencing chronic pain that significantly interferes with your daily activities and nonsurgical methods are no longer effective, Dr. Cafferky may recommend a total hip replacement. Here are some signs that it's time to consider a total hip replacement.

He will consider your age, overall health, lifestyle factors, and the severity of your arthritis when recommending whether or not surgery is the best option to help you get back to living life to the fullest. 

What Are the Risks of Delaying Hip Replacement Surgery?

Orthopaedic surgeon discussing hip replacement

The goal of a total hip replacement is to relieve pain, restore function, and help you return to the activities you love. The disadvantages of delaying hip surgery include:

  • The progression of arthritis: Arthritis is a degenerative disease, which means that it will worsen over time. Delaying the surgery can give the arthritis additional time to do damage. 

  • A more sedentary lifestyle: Joint pain caused by arthritis can make it challenging to stay active and exercise, leading to weight gain, muscle weakness, and a decrease in overall fitness.

  • Longer recovery time: A decrease in muscle mass and strength can impact the recovery process after surgery. The stronger you are going into surgery, the stronger you are on day one of recovery. 

  • Pain in other areas: Our bodies are incredible at trying to compensate. If you're experiencing pain in other areas, like your back, it could be because you're relying on different body parts to help relieve the pain you're feeling in your hip.

  • An increased risk of falls and injuries: When the joints are damaged by arthritis, they don't function as well as they should. This can make it harder to stay balanced and coordinated — increasing your risk of falling and sustaining an injury. 

  • A decrease in quality of life: Chronic pain caused by arthritis can make it hard to enjoy everyday activities like spending time with family and friends, going to work, or participating in your favorite mountain activities. 

Deciding to have hip replacement surgery is never easy. There are a lot of factors to consider. But for Dr. Cafferky's patients, the decision to move forward has dramatically improved their quality of life. 

Here's what his patients have to say:

  • "It was the best decision I have ever made."

  • "I am back to normal activities, and my quality of life has significantly improved."

  • "Prior to my surgery, I could barely walk. Two weeks after surgery, I could balance on one leg!"

  • "My new hip is pain-free, stable, and strong!"

Questions About Hip Replacement Surgery? Contact Team Cafferky!

Joint replacement surgery is a big decision — one that should be made with a joint replacement surgeon you trust.

Dr. Cafferky and his highly-rated orthopaedic team are known for providing patients with the highest levels of care and compassion. From day one of your hip replacement journey, they will be at your side, providing support and guidance when you need it most. 

If you have questions about total hip replacements or are concerned about hip pain, make an appointment with Team Cafferky today. 

Call (970) 476-1100 or request a consultation using Team Cafferky's online appointment request form. Telehealth visits are also available!


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